This is the most marvelous miracle, the presence of God himself among us. He came to us. Is it not amazing? He came to us, and his reason for coming is to save us, to restore our lives. We rejoice in his mighty power and join the angels in singing GLORY TO GOD!
God gave himself to us; now let us share his gift with others. This is the time to share the gift of Jesus born to us, to contemplate how God himself being almighty became a vulnerable child and experienced human frailty and total dependence on his parents. This great miracle that we celebrate was inspired by love and only love. How great is God’s love shown through the Christmas miracle!
God gave himself. Now, as an answer to his love, we give ourselves to him; we give our families, our parish, and especially our hearts to him to dwell in us.
How do we give ourselves to God? First, through prayer; on Christmas night, as a family, offer together with a prayer of thanksgiving to Him. Second, forgive one another; allow peace to enter into your home and life. And third, be a sign of Jesus’ mercy and hope and love to all; share with the poor, find Jesus in those in need, love everybody without measure as Jesus does. In these three actions, you are receiving God and giving yourselves to him.
May the grace of the presence of Jesus Christ and the love of the Blessed Mother be in your hearts and enlighten your family during this Christmas season.

Fr. Javier