We strive to meet the needs of the individual child; to create an atmosphere where development can occur and where respect, dignity, and faith in God can be nurtured.

This development will be guided by parents and volunteer teachers who teach the students through instruction and example. 

We believe that through an understanding of Catholic doctrine and practices, the student will form Catholic principles and attitudes which will lead him or her to the kingdom of God. 

Our objectives are to proclaim the message of the Gospel, to offer personal experiences in living through liturgy, prayer, guidance, example and service, to provide the climate and materials necessary for this to happen.

For more information contact Hildelise Limardo R.E. Coordinator. hildelise@cklb.org. The Religious Education Program provides religious formation and sacramental preparation for children and adults.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): Amelia Flego 732-747-3844. Those interested in learning more about the Catholic Church & the Word of God.